Source code for tqueues.dispatcher

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5
Tqueues job dispatcher.

    tqueues_dispatcher --db "db" --queue "queue" --host ""
    tqueues_dispatcher --db "db" --queue "queue" --port 28015
    tqueues_dispatcher --db "db" --queue "queue" --user 'user'
    tqueues_dispatcher --db "db" --queue "queue" --password 'password'
    tqueues_dispatcher --db "db" --queue "queue" --loglevel INFO
    tqueues_dispatcher --db "db" --queue "queue"
    tqueues_dispatcher -h | --help
    tqueues_dispatcher --version

    --host         <host>                       Rethinkdb host
    --db           <db>                         Rethinkdb databaes
    --port         <port>                       Rethinkdb port
    --user         <user>                       Rethinkdb user
    --password     <password>                   Rethinkdb password
    --allowed_domains ','         Allowed domains
    --loglevel (DEBUG|INFO)                     Loglevel
    -h   --help                                 Show this screen
    --version                                   Show version

    tqueues_dispatcher --host localhost --db foo --port 28015 --user foo \
--password bar --loglevel INFO --allowed_domains ','


from docopt import docopt
import logging
import json
from contextlib import suppress
import aiohttp_cors
from aiohttp import web
import rethinkdb as r

TASK_PENDING = 'pending'
TASK_FINISHED = 'finished'
TASK_STARTED = 'started'

[docs]class Dispatcher(web.View): """ Exposes an API for the workers that run as simple consumers When a worker finishes its task, consumes the next one. Accepts ``rethinkdb.connect`` args. For a more secure environment, you should ONLY HAVE ONE DISPATCHER for database in rethinkdb. """
[docs] async def get(self): """ .. http:get:: /?queue={string:queue} Gets a task from the dispatcher. If we run into a race condition, it'll return a 404 for the client to retry **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /?queue=foo Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript { 'queue': 'foo', method': '', 'args': (*args), 'kwargs': {**kwargs} } .. note:: must be a method importable in the workers' side :query queue: queue (table) where to listen in the database :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: Race condition happened, task is no longer present """ opts =['rethinkdb'] conn = await r.connect(**opts) queue = r.db(opts['db']).table(self.request.GET['queue']) filter_ = queue.filter({'status': TASK_PENDING}) cursor = await filter_.changes(include_initial=True).run(conn) await cursor.fetch_next() result = await try: new_id = result['new_val']['id'] dres = await queue.get(new_id).run(conn) assert dres['status'] != TASK_FINISHED assert dres['status'] != TASK_STARTED dres = await queue.get(new_id).update( {'status': TASK_STARTED}).run(conn) assert dres['replaced'] != 0 except AssertionError: logging.debug('Task is being consumed already') raise web.HTTPNotFound() return web.Response(text=json.dumps(result['new_val']))
[docs] async def post(self): """ Creates a new task, just dumps whatever we have to the database after a brief format check { 'queue': 'foo', method': '', 'args': (args), 'kwargs': {kwargs} } .. http:post:: / Gets a task from the dispatcher. If the table does not exist, it returns a 501 for the client to handle it **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST / Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript { 'queue': 'foo', method': '', 'args': (*args), 'kwargs': {**kwargs} } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript ok .. note:: must be a method importable in the workers' side :<json string queue: Queue (table) to add this task to :<json array args: List of positional arguments to pass to method :<json array kwargs: List of keyword arguments to pass to method :<json string method: Method to import and execute :statuscode 200: No error :statuscode 501: Table does not exist :statuscode 400: Not all params have been specified :statuscode 404: No more tasks in the queue, retry later """ opts =['rethinkdb'] conn = await r.connect(**opts) await mandatory = ['queue', 'method'] if not all([a in self.request.POST for a in mandatory]): raise web.HTTPBadRequest() queue = r.db(opts['db']).table(self.request.POST['queue']) data = dict(self.request.POST) if 'args' not in data: data['args'] = [] if 'kwargs' not in data: data['kwargs'] = {} data.update({'status': TASK_PENDING}) try: id_ = await queue.insert(data).run(conn) except r.errors.ReqlOpFailedError as err: if 'does not exist.' in err.message: raise web.HTTPNotImplemented() raise web.HTTPNotFound('No more tasks') data.update({'id': id_['generated_keys'][0]}) return web.json_response(data)
[docs] async def put(self): """ .. http:put:: /?queue={string:queue} Creates a queue if it does not exist. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /?queue=foo Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript ok :query queue: queue (table) to create :statuscode 200: This method always should return 200 """ opts =['rethinkdb'] conn = await r.connect(**opts) qname = self.request.GET['queue'] with suppress(r.errors.ReqlOpFailedError): r.db(opts['db']).table_create(qname).run(conn) return web.Response(body=b'ok')
[docs] async def delete(self): """ .. http:delete:: /?queue={string:queue}&id={string:id} Marks a task as completed **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /?id=foo&queue=bar Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript ok :query id: id to mark as completed :query queue: queue (table) to work on :statuscode 200: This method always should return 200 """ opts =['rethinkdb'] conn = await r.connect(**opts) queue = r.db(opts['db']).table(self.request.GET['queue']) res = await queue.get(self.request.GET['id']).update( {'status': TASK_FINISHED}).run(conn) assert res['replaced'] == 1 return web.json_response(res)
[docs] async def patch(self): """ In case the job is unable to access directly rethinkdb, we can use this endpoint to update the data. See `Job` documentation on `Job.update`. """ opts =['rethinkdb'] conn = await r.connect(**opts) queue = r.db(opts['db']).table(self.request.GET['queue']) data = await res = await queue.get(self.request.GET['id']).update(data).run(conn) assert res['replaced'] == 1 return web.json_response(res)
[docs]async def wshandle(request): """ Websocket handler Right now this only waits on given queue and dumps 'new_val' on rethinkdb changes. .. TODO:: #5 """ ws_ = web.WebSocketResponse() await ws_.prepare(request) opts =['rethinkdb'] conn = await r.connect(**opts) queue = r.db(opts['db']).table(request.GET['queue']) cursor = await queue.changes(include_initial=True).run(conn) while cursor.fetch_next(): ws_.send_str(json.dumps(dict(await['new_val'])) return ws_
[docs]def server(): """ Starts main dispatch server """ allowed_domains = [] opts = docopt(__doc__, version="0.0.1") logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, opts.pop('loglevel'))) r.set_loop_type("asyncio") with suppress(KeyError): allowed_domains = opts.pop('allowed_domains').split(',') allowed_domains = [a.strip() for a in allowed_domains] app = web.Application() app['rethinkdb'] = opts default_opts = aiohttp_cors.ResourceOptions( allow_credentials=True, expose_headers="*", allow_headers="*") cors = aiohttp_cors.setup(app, defaults={ dom: default_opts for dom in allowed_domains}) cors.add(cors.add(app.router.add_resource('/')).add_route('*', Dispatcher)) cors.add(cors.add(app.router.add_resource('/ws')).add_route('*', wshandle)) web.run_app(app)